- 城市规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)01-0021-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:张杰(1973-),男,东南大学城市规划与设计博士,现就职于上海同济大学建筑与城市规划学院博士后流动站;
- 历史建筑产权量与使用效率的悖论解析——以浙江省古村落保护规划为例
- On Paradox between Historical Architecture Property Rights and Using Efficiency: Example on Protect Planning for Historical Architecture in Old Villages of Zhejiang Province
- 浏览量:
- 张杰 刘烈雄
- ZHANG Jie LIU Lie-xiong
- 摘要:
基于对浙江南阁村、雅端村、雅治村、乔亭村等古村落的社会调查与保护规划,揭示了历史建筑产权量与使用效率之间的悖论,剖析了悖论形成的原因,指出在特殊的历史、城镇经济发展、古村落社会结构变异导致古村落传统文化嬗变的作用下,历史建筑内使用群体思维与行为的分裂是悖论产生的根源。进一步对保护规划的编制与城镇建设、经营管理过程进行反思,指出规划设计是悖论激化的催化剂,城镇建设管理是悖论得不到有效解决的根本原因之一。 - 关键词:
历史建筑;产权;使用效益; - Abstract: This paper announces paradox between historical architecture property rights and using efficiency by investigation and planning practices on Nange, Yaduan, Qiaoting villages and etc. in Zhejiang Province. The paper points out that division between residents?thoughts and actions lead to such contradictions based on the special history conditions, development of local economy, and change of social structure in these old villages. And the paper further argues that protective planning and municipal management have also brought the paradox.
- Key words: historical architectures; property rights; using efficiency
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