- 城市化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)01-0027-07
- 中图分类号:F291.1 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金课题(40471042)部分成果。
- 作者简介:皇甫玥,南京大学城市与区域规划系城市规划与设计专业硕士研究生;
- 大都市区化:特大城市地区城市化的新特征——基于南京的实证研究
- Metropolitanization: The New Characteristic of Urbanization in Metropolis Areas
- 浏览量:
- 皇甫玥 张京祥 邓化媛
- HUANGPU Yue ZHANG Jing-xiang DENG Hua-yuan
- 摘要:
大都市区化是当前西方发达国家城市化发展的高级阶段。在中国,大都市区化已经在一些高度城市化地区出现。本文在对西方发达国家大都市区化研究的基础上,结合中国具体实际而归纳出大都市区化的特征,并将之运用到对南京实证案例的考察上。 - 关键词:
大都市区化;新型城市化;特征;南京; - Abstract: Metropolitanization is the senior phase of urbanization in the Hesperian developed countries. In China, it has also emerged in some areas where urbanization is highly developed. On the base of some research on metropolitanization in the Hesperian developed countries, and with the special circumstances of China, this paper summarizes some characteristics of metropolitanization. At last, these characteristics are used in the research of the case of Nanjing.
- Key words: Metropolitanization;new-style urbanization; characteristic; Nanjing
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