- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)10-0020-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:段德罡, 副教授,注册规划师,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院院长助理, 城市规划基础教研室主任,研究方向:城市规划设计、旅游规划;
- 中心城区概念辨析
- Differentiation and Analysis of the Concept of Central City Region
- 浏览量:
- 段德罡 黄博燕
- DUAN De-gang HUANG Bo-yan
- 摘要:
中心城区" target="_blank">中心城区规划在新版《城市规划编制办法》中被明确规定为城市总体规划的重要部分,但只是在其中提出中心城区" target="_blank">中心城区规划的内容,对中心城区" target="_blank">中心城区的概念没有明确解释;直至目前,国内的法律、文件及权威部门均没有对中心城区" target="_blank">中心城区的概念作出明确界定,对中心城区" target="_blank">中心城区概念没有形成统一的认识;同时还存在着一些如主城区、中心城等一系列的概念,在使用时,较为混乱。中心城区" target="_blank">中心城区规划是新版《城市规划编制办法》的重要内容,如果不对中心城区" target="_blank">中心城区的概念作出辨析,势必影响中心城区" target="_blank">中心城区规划的科学性,进而导致城市总体规划的不合理性。因此,对中心城区" target="_blank">中心城区概念的辨析非常有必要。 - 关键词:
中心城区;主城区;中心城; - Abstract: The planning of central city region is stipulated explicitly as the important part of the master planning. But the concept of central city region is not mentioned in the revision of the METHODS FOR URBAN PLAN FORMULATION. Up to now, the concept of central city region is also not definite in the domestic law, the document and the authoritative publication. There is no commonly accepted understanding of the concept. However, there are other similar concepts including central city, such as main city district, central city area, etc. The planning of central city region is an important part of METHODS FOR URBAN PLAN FORMULATION. Not differentiating the concept, which affects the reasonable nature of the planning of central city region, even the master plan. Therefore, it is critical to differentiate the concept.
- Key words: central city region; main city district; central city area
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