- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)10-0025-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:邓凌云(1979-),女,华中科技大学硕士,长沙市规划信息服务中心;
- 长沙市居住容积率实施现状、原因及对策探析
- On the Changsha Residential Floor Area Ratio Status quo, Causes and Suggestions
- 浏览量:
- 邓凌云 尹长林
- DENG Ling-yun YIN Chang-lin
- 摘要:
分析长沙市容积率实施现状中出现的几个主要问题:指标层层突破、控规调整整体失控、控规指标和技术管理规定控制力度不够、容积率指标实施缺乏公平,对其原因进行了剖析,并针对问题提出了四条对策,即加强长沙市人均居住建筑面积以及户均面积的研究、加强容积率编制方法研究、开发长沙市容积率系统以及加强容积率实施监督。 - 关键词:
容积率;现状;原因;对策;长沙; - Abstract: This paper deals with the five problems in the implement of Changsha Floor Area Ratio (FAR). For example, the breakthrough of guidelines, the losing control of detailed and control planning, the unfair of FAR implement and so on. It analyzes the causes and gives four suggestions, that is to enhance the study of Changsha planning guidelines and the measure of FAR workout, build a system of FAR and strengthen the supervision of FAR implement.
- Key words: floor area ratio; status quo; causes; suggestions; Changsha
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