- 历史文化保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)11-0020-06
- 中图分类号:K928.71 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:孙婷,女,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院。
- 关于天水古民居现状与保护的思考
- The Reflection to the Status and Conservation of Tianshui Historical Residences
- 浏览量:
- 孙婷
- SUN Ting
- 摘要:
城市的快速发展蚕食着大片的历史街区,宽阔的道路广场取代了昔日的古建民居,历史街巷迅速消亡,城市特色消失,千城一面成为必然。天水古民居在城市的迅速发展中亦难以幸免,岌岌可危。文章写于这一关键时期,期望从天水古民居的历史保护中总结教训,发现保护中存在的问题,探求一些切实可行的方法,积极保护正在消亡的天水古民居。 - 关键词:
天水古民居;遗产保护;经济发展;规划严肃性;监督管理; - Abstract: A lot of urban historical blocks are licked up due to the rapid urban development, and they are replaced by wide roads, the historical alleys have disappeared quickly. These cities have no characteristic; many cities have the same vision. This also happens to these historical residents of Tianshui, these residents face the problem of being back out. This paper is written at the very important time; the author hopes to sum up these problems in the process of conserving historical resident and to find some practical methods to conserve availably these historical residences of Tianshui.
- Key words: Tianshui historical residences; conservation economic development; surveillance; management
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