- 城市空间
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)11-0013-07
- 中图分类号:C912.81 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:李强,注册规划师,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院博士生。
- 新制度主义方法论对我国城市空间发展内在机制研究的启示
- The Enlightenment of New Institutionalism Methodology to the Internal Mechanism of Urban Spatial Development in China
- 浏览量:
- 李强
- LI Qiang
- 摘要:
城市空间发展的内在机制本质上可看作是影响城市空间发展的人类政治、经济、社会活动所形成的一系列社会互动过程,选择什么样的途径和方法是我国城市空间发展内在机制研究首先要解决的问题。作为一种重要的社会科学研究方法论,新制度主义在研究视角、研究内容及研究方法三方面均能给我国城市空间发展内在机制的研究提供有益的借鉴,最后在新制度主义方法论基础上,提出一个关于我国城市空间发展内在机制研究的初步分析框架。 - 关键词:
城市空间发展;内在机制;新制度主义;方法论; - Abstract: The internal mechanism of urban spatial development, in essential, could be regarded as series of social interactive processes, which is shaped by political, economical and social activities. These activities influence upon urban spatial development. The priority problem to be settled for the study of internal mechanism of Chinese urban spatial development is that what kind of approach and method should be selected. As a kind of important methodologies in social science research, new institutionalism could provide helpful reference for the study on internal mechanism of Chinese urban spatial development in three aspects: research view, research scope and research method. At last, based on the new institutionalism methodology, the paper addresses a primary analysis framework of study on internal mechanism of urban spatial development in China.
- Key words: spatial development; internal mechanism; new institutionalism; methodology
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