  • 城市空间
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)11-0006-07
  • 中图分类号:F290; TU984    文献标识码:B
  • 作者简介:姚秀利(1981-),男,硕士,单位:江苏省城市规划设计研究院; 王红扬(1971-),男,博士,副教授,单位:南京大学城市与区域规划系中法中心。
  • 近百年来大连居住空间分异特征及其形成机制
  • The Differential Characteristics and its Forming Mechanism of Residential Space in Dalian Since 1899
  • 浏览量:
  • 姚秀利 王红扬
  • YAO Xiu-li WANG Hong-yang
  • 摘要:
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Based on the analysis of the changing process of urban residential space differential characteristics of Dalian since 1899, three types of the differential characteristics are obtained: first, the spatial differentiation on the background of colonial rule; second, the spatial differentiation on the political background that the social class and stratum were eliminated; the third one is the spatial differentiation on the market economy background. By analyzing the mechanism which impels the changing process of urban spatial differentiation in Dalian, the paper concludes that whether on the background of colonial rule or the planned economy times, the mechanism which drives the change of urban residential space differentiation, are comparatively definite and not self-replicable. Thus, the paper mainly focuses on the driven-mechanism since the opening and reform times. The result indicates that the driven-mechanisms can possibly be divided into five aspects: the social regime, the market economy, the technology transform, the city management, the residential psychology.
  • Key words: residential space; differential characteristics; mechanism
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