- 区域经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)12-0080-08
- 中图分类号:F291.1 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:胥建华(1982-),男,中国联合工程公司规划市政设计研究院;
- 城市化与区域经济一体化:昌九工业走廊发展分析
- Urbanization and Regional Economic Integration: Analysis of the Development in the Nanchang-Jiujiang Industrial Corridor
- 浏览量:
- 胥建华 刘银波
- XU Jian-hua LIU Yin-Bo
- 摘要:
从区域经济一体化角度,分析了新时期昌九工业走廊在行政区经济运行之下推进城市化进程中面临的难题与挑战。具体表现为中心城市发展的挑战、双核发展模式下中心城市的分工与协作、以及工业走廊城市经济圈的形成3个方面。最后,文章简要提出了昌九工业走廊推进城市化、实现区域经济一体化的发展思路。 - 关键词:
城市化;区域经济一体化;行政区经济;昌九工业走廊;江西省; - Abstract: From the perspective of regional economic integration, this paper analyzes the problems and challenges that the Nanchang-Jiujiang industrial corridor faces in the process of urbanization under the administrative region economy in the new era. The challenges includes the development of the central cities, the division and collaboration of the central cities under the dual-core model, as well as the form of urban economic circle of the industrial corridor. Finally, the article briefly presents some development strategies about how to promote urbanization and to realize regional economic integration.
- Key words: urbanization; regional economic integration; administrative region economy; Nanchang-Jiujiang industrial corridor; Jiangxi province
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