- 城市研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)12-0067-06
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:罗吉,华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院博士生。
- 由“个体出租”到“政府公共租赁”——基于出租经济的“城中村”改造探索
- From Family Rental Houses to Public Releasing Houses: On Urban Village Renewal based on Rent-Economics
- 浏览量:
- 罗吉
- LUO Ji
- 摘要:
剖析“城中村”中的出租经济现象,结合现阶段我国“城中村”改造和公共租赁住房建设中的现实困境,提出以公共租赁住房为导向的“城中村”改造模式;并在此基础上,进一步阐述了这种改造模式的动力机制和社会支持情况,提出要以“准入”“合作”以及“分权”作为这种思路落实的要点。 - 关键词:
城中村;公共租赁住房;出租经济; - Abstract: Based on the dilemma in the urban village renewal and the puzzle of public releasing housing constructions in contemporary China, this article analyses the specific phenomenon of renting in the village and propose the public releasing housing oriented village renewal as the effective way to advance the urban renewal and national public releasing housing program. Moreover, we argue for the viability and dynamic mechanism of this urban renewal pattern, as the results suggest taking the admittance, cooperation and decentralization as the key points for the implementation of this idea.
- Key words: urban village; public releasing houses; rent-economics
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