- 城市发展战略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)03-0067-06
- 中图分类号:F120.3 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:刘学良(1982-),男(汉),山东临沂人,华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心硕士研究生,研究方向为城市规划;
- 制度变迁视角下的区域经济发展——苏南模式与温州模式的比较与启示
- Regional Economy Development against the Background of Institutional Evolvement
- 浏览量:
- 刘学良 孙斌栋 刘伟 潘鑫
- LIU Xue-liang SUN Bin-dong LIU Wei PAN Xin
- 摘要:
本文从制度变迁的角度比较分析了苏南模式和温州模式的产生、运行以及目前状况,通过比较发现,两地的文化背景、意识形态以及政府在其区域经济发展中作用差别很大,进而带来了两者发展路径的差异。由于区域经济发展的路径依赖,过去的发展定型了现在的发展,进而导致目前两地发展的特点以及困境。要突破困境,一方面要民营经济的自主独立发展,另一方面政府应该积极推动市场化进程,为民营经济的发展提供制度保障。 - 关键词:
制度变迁;温州模式;苏南模式; - Abstract: Based on the institutional evolvement, this article analysis the birth, run and recent state of South Jiangsu model and Wenzhou model. Comparatively speaking, the differences in cultural background, ideology and government role make the difference of development path. Due to the path dependence of regional development, the past developments modify the recent development, and lead to lots of problems and dilemma in these two places. If we want to break through the dilemma, on one hand we should depend on the spontaneous development of civilian enterprise, on the other hand the government should change its function,powerfully push the market reform process and supply institution safeguard for civilian regional development.
- Key words: institutional evolvement; Wenzhou model; South Jiangsu model
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