- 城市规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)03-0006-08
- 中图分类号:F291.1 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(项目批准号40471041,40635030)部分研究成果。
- 作者简介:王士君(1963-),博士,东北师范大学城市与环境科学学院教授,博士生导师,主要从事经济地理和城市地理学研究;
- 城市组群及相关概念的界定与辨析
- Definition and Analysis of Cities Group and Relevant Concepts
- 浏览量:
- 王士君 吴嫦娥
- WANG Shi-jun WU Chang-e
- 摘要:
鉴于目前城市规划和城市地理界在社会经济实践领域承担的关于城市群和都市区的应用研究任务愈来愈多,而相关的理论尚不完善、认识尚不统一的实际情况,论文对城市组群、城市群、城镇密集区、都市区、都市连绵区、大都市带、城市带等相关概念及其内涵和外延,进行了深入的辨析和进一步的界定,尤其强调了相关概念的关联和区别。论文认为,城市群是城市群体发育到高级阶段的一种表现形式,而城市组群是城市群形成演化的中间形态,同时也是城市群地域结构的构成单元;“城市单体→城市组群→城市群→都市连绵区”是城市空间相互作用的有序发展过程。 - 关键词:
城市组群;城市群;都市连绵区;城市规划;城市地理; - Abstract: At present, more and more practical research task on urban agglomeration and metropolitan region are undertaken by urban planners and urban geographers in social and economic practice. All the same, the relevant theories are not perfect yet, and the cognition is not united, either. Against this background, the paper defines and analyses several concepts, such as cities group, urban agglomeration, city-and-town concentrated area, metropolitan district, metropolitan interlocking region, megalopolis and so on, especially accentuates the relation and distinction among relevant concepts. The paper proposes that urban agglomeration is the advanced stage for town cluster development, and cities group is its intermediate image, the latter is also one constituted part of the former. From single city to cities group to urban agglomeration, till metropolitan interlocking region, which is the sequential course during urban spatial interaction.
- Key words: cities group; urban agglomeration; metropolitan interlocking region; urban planning; urban geography
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