- 城市规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)04-0069-05
- 中图分类号:TU985 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:王佳成,南京大学建筑学院建筑设计与理论硕士研究生。
- 高密度城区点状绿地研究——以南京老城为例
- Green Spot in the High Density Urban Area:A Case Study of Nanjing Old Town
- 浏览量:
- 王佳成
- WANG Jia-cheng
- 摘要:
针对目前我国高密度城区点状绿地规划和建设中所面临的种种矛盾,对南京老城内的点状绿地进行了实地调研,以期获得典型的高密度城区点状绿地现状,并结合国内外相关经验进行了具体分析,以此为基础,对高密度城区点状绿地的建设提出了相关建议。 - 关键词:
高密度;点状绿地;城市化; - Abstract: Focusing on various problems and contradictions in planning and construction of green spot in the urban area with high density, the author carries out on-the-spot investigation into the green spots inside Nanjing Old Town in order to be aware of typical current states of green spot in the urban area with high density. Combining relevant experience, both international and domestic, the paper analyzes the composition of green spot in the urban area with high density. On the basis of the above, the paper gives some advice on construction of green spot in the urban area with high density.
- Key words: high density; green spot; urbanization
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