- 区域发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)04-0006-07
- 中图分类号:TV213 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:方伟(1968-),女,中共苏州市委党校基础理论教研室主任,副教授,中央党校在职研究生班政治学专业毕业,主要研究方向为政府管理。
- 区域内政府合作公共管理视角缺失的审视——以环太湖区域为例
- The Absence of Public Management in Regional Government Cooperation: A Case Study on the Taihu Lake Region
- 浏览量:
- 方伟
- FANG Wei
- 摘要:
目前,环太湖区域政府间合作存在着广度、深度和力度弱于区域经济社会发展的内生要求、关注环太湖一体化弱于关注长三角一体化的现象,这与两方面缺失有关:一是地方政府缺乏区域公共管理意识,公共管理职能不够到位;二是传统的区域经济理论缺乏公共管理视角。理论和实践的缺失自然弱化了政府合作的绩效。因此,考量区域政府间合作就不能缺失公共管理视角。 - 关键词:
环太湖;政府合作;缺失; - Abstract: Currently, the degree, depth and the strength of government cooperation in Taihu Lake region is weaker than the endogenous request of the economic social development in the region, much attention are paid to the integration of Yangtze Delta region than to the integration of Taihu Lake region. This situation has something to do with two factors. The first factor is the lack of public management consciousness in the region at the local government level, the public management working talent isn't enough to arrive; the second is the lack a public management angle of view among the traditional regional economic theories. The imperfection nature of theories and fulfillment weakens a government to cooperate of results. Therefore, to evaluate interregional government cooperation it is necessary to have public management point of view.
- Key words: Taihu Lake region; government cooperation; absence
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