- 城市规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)05-0008-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:王金岩, 男,北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院人文地理学专业博士研究生,主要研究方向为城市与区域规划。
- 道:一个“超现代”城市规划框架——卡尔·芬格胡斯《向中国学习——城市之道》解读
- Tao: An Ultra-modernist Urban Planning Framework:The Interpretation of Carl Fingerhuth’s Learning from China: The Tao of the City
- 浏览量:
- 王金岩
- WANG Jin-yan
- 摘要:
卡尔·芬格胡斯在《向中国学习——城市之道》一书中,建构了一个时代转型期的“超现代”城市规划框架。这个框架在反思现代主义的弊病和吸取中国道家思想精髓基础上,将“道”、“字”、“阴阳”、“无为”、“风水”和“德”作为主要元素,形成了一个城市规划游戏的“道德”格式塔。该框架并非是一个普适的城市形态模式,没有流于对城市空间结构的迷恋和个人“乌托邦”。其来自于中国的“道”,很值得中国规划师在思考的基础上将之再中国化。 - 关键词:
道;超现代;城市规划;格式塔; - Abstract: In Learning from China: the Tao of the City, Carl Fingerhuth established an ultra-modernist urban planning framework during the time of reforming. Based on reflection on the defects of modernist, and references of the soul of Chinese Taoist thought, this framework took Tao, Zi, Yinyang, Wuwei, Fengshui and De as the main elements, and formed a gestalt for urban planning games. However, this framework is not a universal model for urban form, and is not infatuated with the Utopia of urban space structure. It comes from the Tao of China, and it deserves localization in China again on deeply thought for Chinese planners.
- Key words: Tao; Ultra-modernist; urban planning; Gestalt
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