- 城市交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)05-0053-06
- 中图分类号:U121 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:陈光(1962-),男,东南大学工程项目管理研究所博士研究生,南京地铁建设指挥部研究员级高级工程师;研究方向:大型建设项目集成化管理。
- 城市轨道交通项目与投资控制相关的几个优化问题
- Several Optimized Problems Concerning the Construction Cost Management in Urban Rail Transit Project and Investment Control
- 浏览量:
- 陈光
- CHEN Guang
- 摘要:
城市轨道交通项目建设期不同阶段与投资控制相关的技术优化重点不同,可行性研究阶段应当从规划技术的角度重点对投资控制进行总体优化,主要涉及项目的客流预测优化、线路总体设计优化、线路条件优化等,在满足功能的前提下总体控制建设规模和标准,降低建设费用。南京地铁一号线项目在这方面的成功实践,取得了良好的效果。 - 关键词:
投资控制;城市轨道交通;可行性研究; - Abstract: Based on different emphases of construction cost management of value engineering in different phases of urban rail transit project construction period and the optimized technology interrelated with investment control, investment control should be optimized in collectivity from layout technology angel in feasibility research phase, mainly involving optimized visitors flux forecast, optimized circuitry design in collectivity, optimized circuitry conditions, etc. It is also involving the control of construction size and standard in collectivity to debase the cost of construction under the precondition of fulfilling the function. Nanjing Metro project carried out successfully in this aspect and has gained excellent effects.
- Key words: investment control;urban rail transit;feasibility research
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