- 城市研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)04-0059-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:詹美旭(1983-),男,江西九江人,南京大学地理与海洋科学学院城市与区域规划系研究生,研究方向:城市与区域规划;
- 城市空间快速扩张过程中的用地效益研究——以南京市为例
- Land Use Efficiency during the Quick Expanding Period: Evidence from Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 詹美旭 葛幼松
- ZHAN Mei-xu GE You-song
- 摘要:
从南京城市空间快速扩张的过程分析入手,从经济、社会、环境生态三个方面建立了评价城市用地效益的指标体系。以1995年各指标数据为基准,进行标准化后得到了1995~2004年各指标的具体变化数值,改变传统测定指标权重方法,采用改进的信息熵法确定各个指标的权重,运用数据加权的方式量化得到了1995~2004年城市用地的经济、社会、环境综合效益。结果表明:1995~2004年南京城市用地扩展规模偏大,扩张速度偏快,并出现了局部发展失衡,但总体上城市用地的综合效益不断改善。南京市已从注重经济增长进入经济、社会、环境协调发展的阶段,其中土地的经济效益呈现阶段性提升的特征,社会、环境效益则持续改善,但工业用地效益下降、经济结构不够合理、扩张地区公共服务设施配套不足,尤其是医疗卫生设施严重缺乏已成为以后需要改进的主要方面。 - 关键词:
空间扩张;用地效益;信息熵法;南京; - Abstract: This paper makes some research on the land use efficiency in the city of Nanjing during the quick expanding period of 1995-2004, by starting with the course of the space expanding in the city of Nanjing, we establish index system for evaluating the land use efficiency from three aspects: economy, society and environment. Based on the stat. of Nanjing 1996-2005, we set the data in 1995 as the basal data, and then we got the relative data of all kinds of index from 1995 to 2004. In order to analyze the data with the external attitude, we get the weight of the index with the method of relative coefficient, and then gain the land use efficiency in 1995-2004. The result of the study is as following: the size of the land expanding is somewhat too big, however, the land use efficiency had became better and better in 1995-2004, and Nanjing has come into a new phase with economy, society and environment developing harmoniously instead of developing the economy simply. Not only the economy efficiency, but also the society efficiency and the environment efficiency was better than before since 1995. Even though, the land use efficiency of industry is becoming worse than before. At the same time, the structure of the economy and the level of medical treatment need to be improved.
- Key words: space expanding; land use efficiency; method of relative coefficient; Nanjing
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