- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)05-0040-06
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:裴乐(1980-),男,渤海大学管理学院公共事业管理专业教师,助教,行政管理学硕士,研究方向为区域管理与公共管理。
- 论循环经济中的城市管理系统构建
- On Construction of Municipal Management System in Recycle Economy
- 浏览量:
- 裴乐
- PEI Le
- 摘要:
人类生存发展需要的无限性同自然资源的有限性间存在着根本性的矛盾,而循环经济提出了缓解这一矛盾的对策。现代城市在国家中占据主导地位,其管理系统的优劣影响着城市乃至国家的发展进程。只有真正将传统的城市管理系统" target="_blank">城市管理系统转入循环发展模式并及时解决出现的各种问题,才能加快实现可持续发展。 - 关键词:
城市管理系统;循环经济;循环发展;城市管理;生态城市; - Abstract: There are fatal conflicts between infinite needs of human survival and development and finite natural resources, while the recycle economy philosophy provides some countermeasures to the above contradictory. Modern cities dominate all the countries, whose management system is good or not affects the developmental processes of cities or countries. Only when traditional municipal management systems are transformed into model of recycle development, and all sorts of problems are solved timely, China will fulfill the aim of sustainable development soon.
- Key words: municipal management system; recycle economy; recycle development; municipal management; ecotypic city
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