- 城市社区
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)06-0006-12
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:翁一峰,硕士,无锡市规划设计研究院规划师。
- 转型期城市社区空间组织的探究——基于实证研究的若干思考
- Research of the Urban Community Space Organization in Transitional Period: The Case Study of Zhonglou District
- 浏览量:
- 翁一峰
- WENG Yi-feng
- 摘要:
首先从社会、经济、技术和体制四个方面对转型时期影响社区空间的主要因素进行分析。随后通过实证研究,在整体层面分析社区空间单元、空间单元分异和社区空间类型,在分地区层面定义核心地区、混合地区和城郊地区三个典型地域,并从住宅设施空间、居民属性、服务设施、环境景观、邻里意识六个方面进行比较分析,研究和揭示三个地区各自的空间特点和现状问题。最后分整体和地区两个层面,讨论转型时期城市社区发展的若干重要议题和策略建议。 - 关键词:
转型期;和谐社区;空间组织; - Abstract: Firstly, the thesis analyzes the main factors which affect the community space, including the social aspect, the economical aspect, the technical aspect and the institutional aspect. Secondly, it takes Zhonglou District in Changzhou City as a case study to analyze the structure of the community space. After that, it defines three different areas within Zhonglou District for comparative assessment, including the core area, the mixed area and the suburban area. It analyzes the differences and problems of the three areas, especially in terms of the land using structure, residents?characters, housing quality, environment facilities, service facilities, and neighborhood communication. Finally, it discusses the major issues, which are critical for the urban community development in the transitional age.
- Key words: transition; urban community; space organization
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