- 城市经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)06-0061-07
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:毕秀晶(1984-),女,山东莱芜人,华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心硕士研究生,主要研究方向城市地理与城市经济学;
- 宁波工业循环经济的研究
- Study on Cyclic Economy of Ningbo Industry
- 浏览量:
- 毕秀晶 刘小文
- BI Xiu-jing LIU Xiao-wen
- 摘要:
改革开放以来,宁波经济社会发展十分迅速,与此同时,资源、能源、环境污染问题也日益突出,因此发展循环经济,转变增长方式,是宁波实现跨越式发展的关键所在。通过对宁波工业循环经济发展的现状进行分析研究,从空间角度探讨宁波工业循环经济的发展途径。针对宁波“经济大市、资源小市”的突出矛盾,根据宁波产业结构的特点,提出了加强临港工业—优势传统产业—高新技术产业三大主体产业联动发展、在区域层面促进宁波工业循环经济发展的建议。 - 关键词:
循环经济;临港工业;传统工业;高新技术产业;联动发展; - Abstract: Since the reform and opening, the economic and social development in Ningbo is very rapid, at the same time, resources and energy problem and Environmental pollution has become more prominent, and therefore developing cyclic economy and transforming the mode of economic increase is the crux for Ningbo to realize its leaping development. This paper tries to seek new ways to develop cyclic economy in Ningbo industry from the perspective of space by means of the analysis and study of the current situation of cyclic economy development. Against the prominent contradictions of 揺conomic development is rapidly while the shortage of resources is seriously? according to the actual situation of Ningbo industry and the characteristics of industrial structure, points out proposals at the regional level to promote the development of cyclic economy in Ningbo industrial, which is strengthening the cooperation of Industry near ports - traditional industries - hi-technology industry.
- Key words: cyclic economy; industry near ports; traditional industries; hi-technology industry; cooperation
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