- 城市规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)07-0065-07
- 中图分类号:TU984.11 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:周国宏(1983-),山西娄烦人,2007年本科毕业于忻州师范学院地理系,现为江西科技师范学院在读硕士研究生。
- 吕梁山区小城镇建成区扩展研究——以娄烦县城为例
- The Built-up Area Expansion of Towns in Mt. Lvliang Area: A Case of Loufan County Seat
- 浏览量:
- 周国宏
- ZHOU Guo-hong
- 摘要:
根据实地调查及获取的相关资料,以位于吕梁山区腹地的小城镇——娄烦县城为例,分析了近20年建成区扩展的特征。认为自然地理条件是影响建成区扩展方向的主要因素;交通线路是影响其扩展模式的主要因素;经济的发展、人口的增长、新交通干道的建设、空间欲望的满足、国家政策及县城总体规划的引导和传统文化观念等则是影响其扩展规模的主要因素。并针对建成区扩展中存在的问题,提出了合理化建议。 - 关键词:
建成区;空间扩展;影响因素;吕梁山区小城镇; - Abstract: According to the field investigation and the obtained information, the paper takes Loufan county seat which lies in the heart of Mt. Lvliang Area for an example, and analyzes the characteristics of built-up area expansion. As for the factors which influence the expansion, it is showed that the nature geography condition is the main factor which influences the expansion direction of built-up area; the development of transportation is the main factor that influences the mode of expansion; main factors which influence the expansion scale are the development of economics, population increasing, the construction of new traffic way, people抯 limitless space desire, national politics, the leading of overall plan of town and traditional cultural concept etc. It also concludes the problems existing in the expansion of built-up area and gives some reasonable suggestions.
- Key words: built-up area; spatial expansion; influencing factors; towns in Mt. Lvliang Area
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