- 城市生态
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)07-0072-06
- 中图分类号:X31;TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:毛伟(1984-),男,回族,青海民和人,中国地质大学地球科学学院硕士研究生,从事国土资源遥感与区域规划方面的研究;
- 西宁市湟水河道整治与生态城市建设
- The Urban River Restoration and Ecological City Construction of Huangshui River in Xining City
- 浏览量:
- 毛伟 强泰 陈海莉
- MAO Wei QIANG Tai CHEN Hai-li
- 摘要:
在分析西宁市湟水河道污染及治理和河道建设现状的基础上,借鉴国内生态城市建设和城市河道综合治理的成功经验,并结合西宁市自身的发展特点和特殊的地理环境,认为西宁市城市河道应从污染治理、生态河岸建设及生态河道修复、生态调水、生态环境保护等方面出发进行综合治理,使城市生态环境有所好转,城市品位有所提高,为西宁市建设生态城市、实现可持续发展打下基础。 - 关键词:
河道整治;生态城市;湟水河;西宁市; - Abstract: Based on the analysis of the pollution and treatments of Huangshui river in Xining city and the situation of its watercourse construction, through successful experience of the construction of domestic ecological city and urban river抯 comprehensive treatments, and combining with the characteristics of Xining city and its particular geographical environments, the author concludes that urban watercourse treatments of Xining should include many factors, such as pollution treatments, eco-bank construction, ecological watercourse restoration, ecological importing water, environment protection. It is believed that will improve the ecological environment of Xining city, upgrades its status, and set ground for the ecological city抯 construction of Xining and its sustainable development.
- Key words: river restoration; ecological city; Huangshui river; Xining city
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