- 历史文化保护与老城更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)07-0014-08
- 中图分类号:F592.3 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:黄少坚(1964-),男,山东财政学院副教授、博士;
- 济南老街文化保护及旅游开发研究
- Protecting and Studying of the Historic Streets in Jinan
- 浏览量:
- 黄少坚 岳欣
- HUANG Shao-jian YUE Xin
- 摘要:
本文主要在济南历史文化为前提的背景框架中叙述济南老街古巷的历史发展变化、政府和现住居民对其的改造情况,以及对其未来规划保护的重要性。在实地考察和论文写作的过程中分别从政府部门、新闻媒体、旅行社、市民等方面研究了如何对老街巷进行保护和改造;开发老街旅游潜力的必要性,并提出合理的建议。 - 关键词:
济南老街;历史文化;合理规划;保护开发; - Abstract: This article mainly narrates the historical development change of Jinan old streets and alleys in the Jinan history culture for in the premise background frame, the government and presently is occupied by the resident to its transformation situation, as well as its future plan protection importance. In on-the-spot investigation and in the paper writing's process from aspects and so on how government department, news media, travel agency, resident studied separately to carry on the protection and the transformation to the old streets and alleys; Develops Laokay traveling potential the necessity, and puts forward the reasonable proposal.
- Key words: the Jinan old city;history &culture;reasonable plan;protection & development
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