- 历史文化保护与老城更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)07-0006-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:张杰(1973-),男,博士后,上海同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,主要研究方向为城市文化遗产保护;
- 文物引导下的遗产保护制度反思
- Rethinking the Heritage Conservation Institution in the Historic Monuments Guidance
- 浏览量:
- 张杰 庞骏
- 摘要:
本文针对“历史文化名城、历史文化街区就是文物”的论调,以及“历史文化名城、历史文化街区的保护必须遵循文物的保护方式与要求”的逻辑结论进行了制度概念层面的反思。认为造成这一论调与结论的原因在于:遗产保护制度变迁下所形成的固化思维模式,导致了文物概念范畴上的谬误,致使历史文化名城、历史文化街区保护等同于文物保护,由此,促使现实中历史文化名城保护、历史文化街区保护以及旧城历史文化遗产保护的乏力。同时,在这种思维引导下,片面单一的保护模式也成为了制度变迁下的产物,并且也是造成“重传统建筑等遗产,而轻城市文化环境”的制度渊源。 - 关键词:
文物;历史文化名城;历史文化街区;制度; - Abstract: Some scholars argue that historic city and historic conservation area is historic monument, so the logic conclusion is announced which the conservation way of historic city and historic conservation area must comply with the historic monuments preservation strategies. In the light of this argument, this paper makes a reflection about this from the institution perspective. And the reasons behind the argument includes the rigid ideas under the heritages conservation institution development, and alone and unilateral conservation model under the idea guiding, and the conservation way of only attach importance to the traditional heritages and ignore the cultural environments.
- Key words: historic monuments; historic city; historic conservation block; institution
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