- 城市规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)08-0006-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:高军波,中山大学地理科学与规划学院
- 基于城市本质认识的城市规划模式探讨
- On the Mode of Urban Planning Based on the Understanding of the Essence of City
- 浏览量:
- 高军波 张润朋
- GAO Jun-bo ZHANG Run-peng
- 摘要:
城市本质上可看作是人为满足自身生存和发展需要而创造的人工建筑物。基于此认识构建城市规划模式,以满足人的生存发展需要和人与自然和谐发展为出发点,从城市居住功能、就业功能、交通功能和游憩功能四个方面构建宜居城市空间环境,在城市规划实施过程中要完善公众参与机制,保证公众利益诉求、延续城市文脉,打造人文城市、关注弱势群体,实现人际公平、促进城市规划体制改革,注重价值层面真理的阐述。 - 关键词:
城市本质;城市规划;生存需求;发展需求; - Abstract: City can be seen as an artificial structure that man has been constructing to meet his survival and development needs. Based on this, we can create a mode of urban planning. With the beginning point of human-oriented and the harmonious development of man and nature, we can construct livable city space environment from inhabitation, employment, traffic and recreation to meet human being’s survival and development needs; We should perfect the mechanism for public participation, ensure the public interest to be protected; inherit the urban context, build humane city; concern for the bottom groups, improve interpersonal fair; promote urban planning reforms, uphold the human values in the course of urban planning.
- Key words: essence of city; urban planning mode;existence need;development need
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