- 历史文化保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)09-0028-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:中国矿业大学科技基金资助项目:传统工人村落改造策略探索与研究(编号:12-0b061044)
- 作者简介:常江,中国矿业大学建筑工程学院建筑系教授,从事老工业区改造、矿区复兴和景观生态重建研究;
- 作为产业类历史地段的工人村保护更新研究
- Conservation and Renewal of Workmen’s Villages as Historical Industrial Sites
- 浏览量:
- 常江 陈华 袁媛
- CHANG Jiang CHEN Hua YUAN Yuan
- 摘要:
工人村是伴随着传统产业的发展而形成的一类产业工人生活聚居区,这其中有部分不仅具有鲜明的工业历史特色,还有着重要的历史文化价值,是产业类历史地段的重要组成部分。本文分析了这类工人村所具有的工业文化特色、地域文化特色以及时代特征,同时也指出了其在传统产业转型时所面临的发展困境。在此基础上文章结合不同类型的工人村保护更新案例,探讨了其更新改造的途径,最后总结了其保护发展的整体思路。 - 关键词:
产业类历史地段;工人村;保护更新; - Abstract: Workmen抯 village has been formed along with the development of traditional industries, which is a living district specifically for the industrialist. These villages not only reflect the traditional industrial characteristic, but also show the historical cultural features, some of which are important parts of historical industrial sites. This article analyzes the industrial, traditional and times features of this kind of workmen抯 villages, and the developing predicaments that these villages face during the transformation period of traditional industries are pointed out. On this basis, this article discusses four approaches to the conservation and renewal of workmen抯 village with different kinds of cases. At last, the holistic idea of conservation and development of workmen抯 village is summarized.
- Key words: historical industrial sites; workmen抯 village; conservation and renewal
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