- 历史文化保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)09-0035-07
- 中图分类号:TU984.17 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:唐常春:(1976-),博士,长沙理工大学土木与建筑学院讲师,主要研究领域是城镇规划与区域规划;
- 基于历史文化谱系的传统村镇风貌保护研究
- The Conservation of Style of Traditional Villages and Towns based on Historic-cultural Genealogy
- 浏览量:
- 唐常春 吕昀
- TANG Chang-chun LV Yun
- 摘要:
传统村镇的保护对象已经从注重保护典型文物古迹、优秀建筑发展到重点保护不同历史时期社会发展的见证实物以及非物质文化遗存。本文引入谱系学原理,提出历史文化谱系概念,并从我国非典型传统村镇的保护实际出发,对传统村镇风貌保护的基本思路与原则进行探讨,进而构建了传统村镇风貌保护的评价标准、指标体系和AHP模型,最后提出传统村镇风貌保护的基本策略与建议,以期对当前新农村建设过程中的历史文化保护有所助益。 - 关键词:
传统村镇;保护;谱系; - Abstract: The protection object of traditional villages and towns is already developed from typical cultural relic,historical site and the outstanding construction to testimony material object as well as the non-material culture remains of the different historical periods. This paper introduces the genealogy principle, proposes the historical culture pedigree concept, especially carries on the discussion to the style protection of traditional villages and towns including basic mentality,principle, evaluation criteria and target system. Finally, the paper proposes the basic protection strategy and suggestion.
- Key words: traditional villages and towns; protection; genealogy
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