- 城市空间探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)09-0011-08
- 中图分类号:TU984; F290 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金“微区位研究”(项目编号:40471029)
- 作者简介:李仙德(1984-),男,上海师范大学地理系研究生,研究方向为商业区位、城市空间结构;
- 转型期上海城市空间重构的动力机制探讨
- On the Dynamic Mechanism of Urban Space Reconstruction in Shanghai during the Transitional Period
- 浏览量:
- 李仙德 白光润
- LI Xian-de BAI Guang-run
- 摘要:
转型期间,上海城市空间重构主要表现在郊区化、城市土地利用优化、城市居住空间分异、新城市空间浮现、公共空间失落、历史文化街区消亡等方面。影响上海城市空间重构的动力主体是政府、企业、个人。政府通过制度和政策经营城市空间,企业通过市场实现对城市空间的组织,个人主要通过对居住空间选择等来影响城市空间结构。制度变迁、技术进步、经济发展、居民活动共同驱动着上海城市空间重构。 - 关键词:
动力机制;城市空间重构;转型期;上海; - Abstract: The urban space of Shanghai is restructuring during the transitional period. Suburbanization and internal optimizations are the main facets of the restructuring. Governments, enterprises and individuals all influence the restructuring. Governments use policies to manage urban space; enterprises organize urban space through market; individuals influence urban space market mainly through choosing the space location of house. Institutional changes, technology improvements, economy developments, resident activities drive urban space restructuring in Shanghai together.
- Key words: dynamic mechanism; urban space restructuring; transitional period; Shanghai
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