- 城市规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)09-0048-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:张晓阳(1973-),男,郑州航空工业管理学院土建学院城市与区域规划研究所,博士,规划师;研究方向:城市规划系统软件研发;
- 规划设计期决策的困境及出路探讨
- Troubles of Decision-making and the Ways out in Period of Urban Designing
- 浏览量:
- 张晓阳 张海燕 孔德永
- ZHANG Xiao-yang ZHANG Hai-yan KONG De-yong
- 摘要:
决策失误或者决策不良将会使城市规划丧失方向。规划进入设计操作阶段后会遇到大量具体而细碎的决策问题。本文对目前规划设计期决策所存在的困境进行了反思,分析了影响设计决策科学性的原因,探讨了实现规划设计期科学决策的出路。提出应进一步完善设计决策机制、决策技术方案和决策理论研究,使决策向全面、科学、系统化的方向发展。 - 关键词:
设计决策;规划支持系统;城市功能学; - Abstract: Planning under bad decision-makings may produce misled plans. There are volumes of trivial and concrete decisions in the period of urban designing. Troubles of design decision-making in designing operation are reviewed. The paper analyzes the reasons that cause these troubles, and tries to find ways to improving the quality of design decision-making. Mechanism, techniques and theories of decision-making in designing should be improved to make planning decision more scientific, systemic and all-sided.
- Key words: design decision-making; planning support system; science of urban functions
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