- 城市空间布局与开发
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)01-0058-09
- 中图分类号:TU984;F290 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:何世茂,南京市城市规划设计研究院有限责任公司副总规划师,高级规划师,注册规划师。
- 南京工业产业发展与空间布局对策
- Nanjing Industrial Development and the Spatial Arrangement Countermeasures
- 浏览量:
- 何世茂
- HE Shi-mao
- 摘要:
面临国际资本和制造业基地转移的机遇,面对现有工业基地分散和产业结构不完全合理的实际状况,适逢国家宏观调控和土地政策的进一步紧缩,南京的工业将如何走?文章分析了南京工业发展的机遇、挑战,及南京工业用地需求与供应关系,提出南京工业发展的思路和空间分布对策,并对适应南京生态环境、生产质量等要求提出了发展措施。 - 关键词:
工业;空间布局;南京; - Abstract: Facing the opportunity of the international shift of capital and manufacturing base, the irrationality of the actual state of existing industrial dispersion and industrial structure, and happening to meet the further contraction of the national macroeconomic control and the agrarian policy, how will Nanjing's industry do? This article systematically analyses the industrial development opportunity and challenges in Nanjing, roundly analyses the relations of demand and supply of Nanjing industry land, proposes that the Nanjing industrial development philosophy and the spatial distribution countermeasure, and proposes the development measure so as to adapt to the request of Nanjing ecological environment and production quality.
- Key words: industry;spatial arrangement;Nanjing
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