- 城市交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)01-0073-08
- 中图分类号:U49 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:何小洲(1981-),男,东南大学博士研究生,研究方向为交通运输规划与管理;
- 新兴国际商务城综合交通规划研究——以花桥国际商务城为例
- The Comprehensive Transport Planning of a Developing International Business City: A Case of Huaqiao International Business City
- 浏览量:
- 何小洲 於昊 杨涛
- HE Xiao-zhou YU Hao YANG Tao
- 摘要:
在对国内外国际商务城交通发展经验系统总结的基础上,文章以花桥国际商务城为例,重点分析了其作为门户性、国际化、生态化新兴之城的城市特性及其交通诉求,提出国际商务城的交通发展要以TOD理念、区域差别化理念和面向交通功能组织的设施规划理念为指导,并给出了具体的应用方案。在进行综合交通规划时,提出了国际商务城的对外交通要突出快捷化、一体化发展,道路网络要体现高密度、差别化发展以及公共交通要注重多层次、响应式发展。 - 关键词:
新兴;商务城;综合交通;规划; - Abstract: On the basis of summing up the traffic system development experience of Chinese and international business cities, taking Huaqiao International Business City as example, this paper focuses on an analysis of its characteristics as a gateway, international and developing eco-city and its urban traffic demands, and insists that transport development of international business city must be instructed with the ideas including TOD, regional differentiation and facilities planning oriented by function organization with specific applications. This paper provides the following policies about comprehensive transport planning: external traffic should stand out the fast and integrated development, road network should reflect the high-density and differentiation development, and the public transport should focus on multi-level, responsive development.
- Key words: developing; business city; comprehensive transport; planning
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