- 基础设施
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)11-0093-03
- 中图分类号:TU984;X31 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:江苏省建设厅科研项目“苏北地区村庄节约建设发展模式的研究”(项目批准号:js2007-jh-17)
- 作者简介:林祖锐(1973-),男,中国矿业大学建工学院讲师,在读博士;
- 基于生态文明的苏北新农村基础设施现状及对策研究
- The Present Situation and Strategy of the Infrastructure in the New Villages in Northern Jiangsu Province: Based on Ecological Civilization
- 浏览量:
- 林祖锐 常江
- LIN Zu-rui, CHANG Jiang
- 摘要:
对苏北5市43个村庄进行调研,抽取其中基础设施部分调研资料进行梳理,总结苏北农村基础设施的现状特点和农民对基础设施的具体需求。在此基础上,结合生态文明和“两型社会”建设要求,对苏北地区农村基础设施的建设提出具体策略和建议。 - 关键词:
生态文明;苏北;新农村;基础设施; - Abstract: Based on the detailed investigation into 43 villages which are distributed in 5 cities in northern Jiangsu province, a large quantity of first-hand information was collected. This article analyzes the part of infrastructure data, sums up the characteristics of infrastructure and the peasants’ actual needs in the villages of northern Jiangsu province. On this basis, combining with ecological civilization and “two-oriented society” requirements, a few specific strategies and suggestions are given on how to construct infrastructure in the villages of northern Jiangsu Province.
- Key words: ecological civilization; Northern Jiangsu province; new villages; infrastructure
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