  • 低碳城市
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)11-0007-06
  • 中图分类号:F290;X31    文献标识码:A
  • 项目基金:清华大学低碳经济研究院 “低碳经济发展的决策与激励-地方政府行为分析” 项目 资助
  • 作者简介:戴亦欣, 博士, 清华大学公共管理学院讲师, 主要研究方向: 政府治理、 低碳城市、产业发展、 技术创新。
  • 低碳城市发展的概念沿革与测度初探
  • A Study on Low-Carbon City Development: Concept Formation and Measurement Setting
  • 浏览量:
  • 戴亦欣
  • DAI Yi-xin
  • 摘要:
    低碳发展是人类为了应对气候变化, 努力减少经济社会发展在自然界产生的碳足迹而推行的新型发展理念。 作为人类社会最主要的社会经济发展平台, 城市在低碳发展中的作用至关重要。 低碳城市的概念应运而生。 文章通过介绍低碳城市这一概念在世界范围内的兴起过程, 介绍了不同的学者对低碳城市的概念界定, 并依据我国的国情进行了调整。 在分析和总结国外低碳城市发展的相关实践和特点后, 着重介绍了我国当前低碳城市发展的状况,总结了低碳城市发展同近年来一系列发展理念变革之间的关系, 并在此基础上提出了以碳强度为主要内容的低碳城市的测度方法, 进而阐述了通过生产部门降碳和生活部门降碳相结合的适应我国城市发展特点的低碳发展道路。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Low-carbon development is the new developmental theme to reduce the carbon footprint generated from human being’ s social and economic development to the nature in response to the climate change. As the most important social and economic developmental platform, city plays significant role in low-carbon development, which leads to the formation of low-carbon city concept. This paper illustrates the process of how low-carbon city concept is raised worldwide. Based on the introduction of different definitions and elaborations from scholars, this paper defines low-carbon city that fits China’ s developmental situation. This paper also introduces low-carbon city practices in Chinese cities besides introduction of low-carbon city development practice and characteristics in other countries. Attention has been put on comparing the concept of lowcarbon city with other popular developmental themes adopted by Chinese cities in recent years. A basic low-carbon city measurement has been put based on carbon intensity concept, which could be decomposed by industry carbon reduction and residential carbon reduction.
  • Key words: low-carbon city; climate change; energy intensity; carbon intensity
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