- 低碳城市
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)11-0013-04
- 中图分类号:TU984;X31 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家社科基金重大项目(06&ZD026)资助
- 作者简介:毕军,南京大学环境学院院长,教授,从事环境政策、环境风险和全球变化的研究。
- 中国低碳城市发展的路径与困境
- Paths and Challenges of Low Carbon City Development in China
- 浏览量:
- 毕军 刘凌轩 张炳 王仕
- BI Jun ,LIU Ling-xuan ,ZHANG Bing ,WANG Shi
- 摘要:
中国正面临着碳减排的巨大压力,而中国区域发展的多样性和不平衡性使得国家层面的绝对碳减排计划不具备可行性。地区化的低碳发展及低碳城市建设,成为打破这一困境的关键。文章讨论了低碳城市发展的可行性、可能的模式,从区域、地方和产业技术层面论述:1)经济发展与碳排放“脱钩”是否以及如何发生;2)低碳城市的实践、障碍和困境;3)低碳城市发展对中国的温室气体排放量及碳效率的影响。 - 关键词:
气候变化;低碳城市;碳监测与核算;碳外溢; - Abstract: China is facing domestic and international pressure of carbon emission reduction, and since the diversity and imbalance of the regional development, a national greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement is unpractical, while we believe that a low carbon city strategy is the key to such a deadlock. The paper discusses the necessity, feasibility, possible paradigms and of low carbon localization. Discussions on provincial level, city level and industrial level from certain areas of China would be given. We would also discuss (a) whether and how the decoupling of economy vs. carbon could happen? (b)The pioneer practices, barriers and mistakes of low-carbon cities and (c) what would happen with China’s carbon emission and carbon intensity with low carbon cities?
- Key words: climate change; low carbon city; GHG monitoring & inventory; carbon leakage
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