- 低碳城市
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)11-0020-07
- 中图分类号:TU984;X31 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:叶祖达,ARUP奥雅纳咨询服务公司规划/发展总监,香港规划师学会原会长,北
- 碳排放量评估方法在低碳城市规划之应用
- Application of Carbon Dioxide Emission Audit to the Planning of Low Carbon Cities
- 浏览量:
- 叶祖达
- Stanley C T YIP
- 摘要:
城市是社会应对气候变化挑战的重要行动平台和载体,对城市进行碳排放审计是实施低碳城市规划工作必需的科学数据基础。然而,不少城市本身对其二氧化碳排放的基线分析、未来情景比较、减量方法和范畴等都还没有可以直接应用到城市规划编制流程的科学分析方法和工具。文章尝试把有关现有能源规划研究模型发展为城市空间规划方法。以碳排放模型Kaya 公式为基础,分别从建筑部门、交通部门、工业部门、能源部门对模型进行分解。建议的模型可以把能源需求模块分解为三个部门:建筑部门、交通部门和工业部门。根据常规模式和低碳模式的分析,得到各部门在各模式下的能源使用结构和量。并根据IPCC对于各类能源的排放强度定义的缺省值,计算出各部门在常规模式和低碳模式下的2020 年总的排放量。 - 关键词:
气候变化;低碳经济;低碳城市;碳排放模型; - Abstract: Cities are important platform for undertaking actions to manage global climate change. Application of carbon emission audits is the fundamental planning tool required for the planning for low carbon cities. Nevertheless, many cities have not yet set up a comprehensive audit on her baseline carbon dioxide emissions level, future emission scenarios, reduction methods and the related assessment of effects, and hence lack the application of these scientific assessment tools to the planning decision making process during master plan preparation. This article attempts to modify the well known Kaya model which was originally used to evaluate carbon dioxide emission impacts on GNP growth, for application as a carbon audit tool for the urban planning process. Based on the fundamental principles in the Kaya model, the emissions associated with the industry, transportation and building sectors for an industrial park planning area within the City of Wuhan were complied and analyzed. Specific actions for carbon dioxide emission reduction were recommended and the associated levels of carbon dioxide emissions were assessed and compared. A carbon dioxide emission audit methodology for use in urban planning decision process was established.
- Key words: climate change; low carbon economy; low carbon cities; carbon dioxide emission model
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