- 生态
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)11-0075-06
- 中图分类号:F301.23 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家住房和城乡建设部资助项目“城镇生态系统健康的评价及调控途径”( 06-R1-12)
贵阳省贵阳市高新区项目“贵阳国家级高新区生态研究”( 20080915)
- 作者简介:黄耀志(1956—),男,教授,德国博士,中国科学院、国家住房和城乡建设部山地城镇与区域环境研究中心副主任,苏州科技学院建筑与城市规划学院副院长;
- 基于“图底关系”的工业园生态环境规划初探——以贵阳国家级高新区为例
- A Study of City Ecological Environment Planning Based on “Figuire-ground relationship”: Case of Shawen Tech-Industrial Park, Guiyang
- 浏览量:
- 黄耀志 高文文 楼琦峰
- HUANG Yao-zhi, GAO Wen-wen, LOU Qi-feng
- 摘要:
以“图底关系”为切入点,通过实证研究,探讨工业园生态环境规划的程序与方法。研究表明:园区建设用地是“图”,而自然生态用地就是“底”,“图”与“底”之间的耦合方式则决定了土地资源利用的科学性与经济性。通过对园区环境要素的生态敏感性评价和生态网络构建,确定园区建设中不可动的“底”,并以此为基础进行功能用地的适宜度分析,引导“图”的建设,以协调城市发展与自然生态保护之间的矛盾,实现“图底”的最佳耦合。 - 关键词:
图底关系;生态环境;生态敏感性;生态网络;建设用地功能适宜性; - Abstract: Base on the empirical research, this paper discusses the ecoenvironment planning of a park on the analysis of figure-ground relationship. The study shows that if the construction land is considered as a picture, the ecoenvironment is the setting, and this coupling pattern determines the reasonability and efficiency of the land use. What is the unmovable “ground” is determined through constructing ecological sensitivity and eco-networks of the park’s environment. On the basis of this, through the land-use suitability analysis the “figure” is constructed in order to harmonize the contradiction between urban development and natural ecology protection and to achieve the best coupling combination of “figure” and “ground”.
- Key words: figure-ground relationship; ecological environment;ecological sensitivity;ecological network;land-use suitability
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