- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)11-0042-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:宁夏大学科学研究基金项目(项目编号sk200829)研究成果
- 作者简介:夏固萍(1979-),女,华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院硕士研究生,现为宁夏大学土木与水利工程学院讲师,注册城市规划师,研究方向为城市规划理论与设计;
- 物权视角的城乡规划编制机制探究
- Exploring the Mechanism of Urban and Rural Planning from the Angle of Property Right
- 浏览量:
- 夏固萍 陈锦富
- XIA GU-ping, CHEN Jin-fu
- 摘要:
宪法修正案规定,国家保护公民合法的私有财产。旨在落实宪法这一精神,确定产权归属,保护物权的物权法,已于2007年实施。城乡规划的实质是通过对土地等空间资源的安排而影响私人物权权益,但当前城乡规划编制机制忽视公民物权权益。为了落实宪法精神与物权法,维护公共利益的同时保障私人物权权益,需要改进城乡规划编制机制,即在规划编制中增加地块权属状况调查与利益平衡方案的内容;引入专家意见法决策;增加人大审议内容与引入媒体监督。 - 关键词:
物权权益;城乡规划法;城乡规划编制机制;可实施性; - Abstract: The constitutional amendment stipulates that state protects the lawful private property of citizen. Aiming at implementing the spirit of constitution the Property Rights Law was implemented in 2007 which define and protect property rights. The essence of urban and rural planning is that to impact private property rights through the arrangement of land and other resources in space, but there is problems that property rights was ignored in the current urban and rural planning. In order to implement the spirit of the constitution and the Property Rights Law, which aims at maintaining the public interest should also be to protect private property rights, there is need to improve the preparation of urban and rural planning mechanism, namely, an increase in the planning of land ownership status of the preparation of the survey and balance the interests of the program content; the introduction of expert advice on law-making; to increase the NPC to consider the content and the introduction of media monitoring.
- Key words: property rights and interests; urban-rural planning law; mechanism of urban and rural planning; enforceability
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