- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)12-0075-06
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:席广亮(1985-),男,嘉兴市规划设计研究院有限公司规划师;
- 基于情景分析的城市主导产业选择研究——以山西临汾城市为例
- A Research on the Choices of City Leading Industries Based Scenario Analysis: A Case Study of Linfen City, Shanxi
- 浏览量:
- 席广亮 甄峰 甄延临
- XI Guang- liang ZHEN Feng ZHEN Yan-lin
- 摘要:
主导产业的确定对城市发展影响很大,采用科学的方法确定主导产业尤为重要。本文针对传统主导产业选择方法上的不足,引入情景分析方法,探讨了主导产业选择的过程,并以2020年临汾城市主导产业选择为例,分析了产业发展的多种可能情景,以及每种情景可能的主导产业,并就每种情景发展对社会经济、城市产生的影响进行了评价,决策者可以据此提前做好应对措施。 - 关键词:
情景分析;主导产业;临汾城市; - Abstract: The set of the city leading industries, particularly with the scientific method, have a great impact on the city’s development. In order to make up the shortcomings of the traditional methods, the authors use the scenario analysis method to choose the leading industries, and discuss the main process taking Linfen city as the case. The authors analyze the probable scenarios of industry development, and the leading industries for each scenario, then evaluating the influences on socioeconomics and city development. In a word, policy makers can respond accordingly.
- Key words: scenario analysis; leading industries; Linfen city
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