- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)12-0070-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:郑州大学校级骨干教师资助项目。
- 作者简介:刘晨宇(1973-),女,华南理工大学建筑学院博士研究生、郑州大学建筑学院副教授;
- 营造自然、和谐的新农村空间环境初探——以登封徐庄镇王屯村安置规划设计为例
- Discussion on the Creation of Space Environment for Natural and Harmonious New Countryside: Taking the Planning and Design of Wangtun Village of Xuzhuang Town of Dengfeng County as an Example
- 浏览量:
- 刘晨宇 李广慧 袁媛
- LIU Chen-yu LI Guang-hui YUAN Yuan
- 摘要:
社会主义新农村规划设计是我国当前城乡建设关注的焦点。文章以登封徐庄镇王屯村安置规划设计为例,探讨新农村规划的相关理念、策略和方法。规划以“自然”、“和谐”为基础,提出“中心共享、和谐统一”的规划概念,以期塑造一个“集约、生态、宜居”的新型农村社区。 - 关键词:
自然;和谐;新农村;规划设计; - Abstract: The planning and design of new socialist countryside has become a focal point of contemporary urban and rural construction in China. Relevant concept, policy and method is discussed in this paper taking the Planning and Design of Wangtun Village of Xuzhuang town of Dengfeng City as an Example. Based on the concept of nature and harmony, a planning idea of ‘center sharing, harmony and unity’ is given, in order to create a new-type ‘intensive, ecological and livable’ countryside community.
- Key words: nature; harmony; new countryside; planning and design
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