- 保障性住房
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)12-0016-05
- 中图分类号:F293.3 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:2009年度江苏省政府决策咨询研究重点课题
- 作者简介:蔡园(1986-),女,汉族,浙江省宁波市人,东南大学建设与房地产研究所硕士研究生;研究方向:房地产开发与经营;
- 住宅保障化与市场化机制相关关系研究
- On the Relationship between Housing Security and Housing Marketization
- 浏览量:
- 蔡园 李启明 杨嬛 邓小鹏
- CAI Yuan LI Qi-ming YANG Yan DENG Xiao-peng
- 摘要:
通过分析住房保障制度和商品住宅市场之间的相互影响,阐述其作用机制,提出住宅保障化和市场化机制之间对立统一、相互转化、动态平衡的关系。最终提出在我国当前市场环境下实行住房保障制度的对策和建议,借助政府的调控,在减少保障制度对市场的冲击的同时保证保障工作的有效运行。 - 关键词:
廉租住房;住宅市场;关系;调控; - Abstract: Based on the analysis of the interaction mechanism between house security system and commodity housing market, the authors discuss the unity of opposites, mutual transformation, and dynamic equilibrium on housing security and houses marketization. Finally it is suggested that the legislative advice on how to reduce the impact on the house market while implementing the housing security policy under current house market in our country.
- Key words: housing security; low-rent housing;housing market;relationship; regulation
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