- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)12-0046-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:李芸,江苏省社科院江海学刊杂志社副总编,研究员。
- 城市科学和谐发展的新起点——现代社区规划
- The New Starting Point of City Scientific and Harmonious Development: The Modern Community Planning
- 浏览量:
- 李芸
- LI Yun
- 摘要:
社区规划不仅给人类环境建设提供了合理有序的要求和范式,更为人居环境条件改善、生活质量提高提供了科学的�障,并且成为现代社区可持续发展的思想基础和内在动力。文章对社区规划指导思想和设计理念的演进进行了归纳分析,对现代社区规划的内涵与重点、目标与策略作出了较为深入系统的阐释,以期对当代中国城市科学和谐发展及其规划研制产生积极的学理启示。 - 关键词:
社区规划;设计理念;目标策略; - Abstract: The community-based planning not only provides the reasonable and orderly arrangements requirement and paradigm for the human environment construction, but also provides more scientific securities for improving living environment conditions and life quality, which has become the ideological foundation and internal motivation of community’s sustainable development. With the international perspective, this article summarizes and analyzes the evolution of the guiding ideology and design concepts of community planning, and makes a more in-depth systematic interpretation of the priorities, objectives and strategies of modern community planning, which would have a positive academic and theoretical inspiration for scientific and harmonious development in the contemporary Chinese cities.
- Key words: community planning; design concepts; sustainable communities;
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