- 保障性住房
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)12-0021-07
- 中图分类号:F293.3 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:中国博士后基金项目(20080430210),黑龙江科技学院引进人才项目
- 作者简介:黄辉玲(1973-),女,浙江大学在站博士后,黑龙江科技学院副教授,主要研究方向为房地产经济;
- 哈尔滨市经济适用住房现状调查与分析
- The Survey and Analysis of the Affordable Housing in Harbin City
- 浏览量:
- 黄辉玲 韩昊英 吴次芳 徐金哲
- HUANG Hui-ling HAN Hao-ying WU Ci-fang XU Jin-zhe
- 摘要:
在哈尔滨市经济适用住房发展概况的基础上,选取哈尔滨市8个经济适用住房小区进行现场访谈和问卷调查,对居民的构成、区位及交通、户型结构、施工质量和基础配套设施建设等进行归纳和分析,从而揭示出其现实存在的问题。研究的主要结果显示:①虽然存在一定的福利倒置现象,经济适用住房的分配总体上能够针对低收入阶层;②与市中心之间的距离并不是导致居民对交通情况不满意的主要因素,交通的时间距离相比交通的空间距离越来越被人们所重视;③经济适用住房的适用性能低,问题主要在于房屋和客厅狭长、过道占用大、功能布局不合理及缺少明厅设计;④施工质量不合格是影响经济适用房使用的重要问题;⑤位置偏远的经济适用住房小区基础配套设施有较多的不完善。因此,未来经济适用房政策应当从如下方面加以改进:①在加大经济适用住房的建设总量的同时,将经济适用房针对的对象人群比例缩小;②规定经济适用房价格上限;③完善收入核查体系,加强.对于个人不动产、投资类资产、现金和存款及业务经营项目的核查;④加.经济适用住房的公共交通通达.状况,改进其设计条件、施工水平和环境条件。 - 关键词:
经济适用住房;现状;调查;哈尔滨市; - Abstract: This paper started by reviewing the development of affordable housing in Harbin City. Then, it surveyed the composition of residents, location and transportation of the sites, housing types, housing quality, and local infrastructures of 8 affordable housing districts by interview and questionnaire. Consequently, the problems of the current policy of affordable housing were analyzed. The results of analysis suggested that (a) although some welfare mismatch was found, the current affordable housing policy could basically benefit the low-income; (b) of all transportation-related factors, the time of travel rather than the distance of travel from an affordable housing district to the city center was the main reason for the dissatisfaction of the residents; (c) many problems in housing design, including the disproportional living room and aisles and rooms with poor natural lighting, had degraded the living quality of affordable housing; (d) poor housing quality had prevented the affordable houses from being normally used; (e) the infrastructures in several remote affordable housing districts were insufficient. Consequently, the affordable housing policy should be improved in the following fields: (1) the total construction amount should be increase and the beneficial group should be specified; (2) the highest price of affordable housing should be controlled; (c) the monitoring and supervision system should be strengthened to supervise individual real estate property, investment, cash, deposits, and other types of individual assets; (d) more public transportation routes and facilities should be established; and the housing design, construction quality, and local infrastructures should be improved in the affordable housing districts.
- Key words: affordable housing; current condition; survey; Harbin
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