- 城乡统筹发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)02-0017-03
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目《我国经济快速发展地区城乡结合部土地规范集约利用——以广东和山东两省为例》(项目编号:70773117)阶段性成果之一。
- 作者简介:叶剑平,博士,中国人民大学公共管理学院土地管理系主任、博士生导师,主要从事不动产教学与科研。
- 城乡统筹发展与土地利用
- Coordinated Urban and Rural Development and Land Use
- 浏览量:
- 叶剑平
- YE Jian-ping
- 摘要:
城乡统筹发展的核心问题是土地利用,土地利用应该按功能划分而不应该按国有和集体所有的“身份”划分,使得同功能同权同地同价。建立城乡统一的土地市场有助于城乡资本、技术、信息、土地要素的合理配置,为城市发展提供空间为农村发展提供资金,真正达到城乡统筹发展,实现帕累托改进。论文还对如何实现城乡统筹土地制度改进提出了政策性建议。 - 关键词:
城乡统筹;土地利用;农村土地市场; - Abstract: Planning as a whole of urban and rural development is the core issue of land use, and land use should be classified by function rather than by state-owned and collectively owned "status" division, making the same function with the same with the right price. The establishment of a unified urban and rural land market in urban and rural areas contributes to capital, technology, information, elements of the rational allocation of land for urban development to provide space for rural development funds, can really achieve the planning of urban and rural development, the achievement of Pareto improvement. The policy recommendations are also provided on how to improve the planning as a whole of urban and rural land system.
- Key words: rural land; rural development; land market
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