- 城市研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)02-0073-04
- 中图分类号:TU984;DF454 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:2008宁夏高等学校科研资助项目
- 作者简介:李晓玲(1976-),女,宁夏大学土木与水利工程学院讲师,硕士。
- 浅议韩非子的法制思想与《城乡规划法》
- A Brief Analysis of Han Feizi’s Thought of “Ruling by Law” and The Law of Urban and Rural Planning
- 浏览量:
- 李晓玲
- LI Xiao-ling
- 摘要:
“不期修古,不法常可,论世之时,因为之备”,韩非子的“法治”思想用于指导现今城乡规划立法工作的方向,具有非常现实的意义。本文主要讨论韩非子的法制思想对《城乡规划法》的影响与应用。 - 关键词:
韩非子;法治;《城乡规划法》; - Abstract: According to Han Feizi, people shouldn抰 completely follow the outmoded conventions, and they should probe into the present situations, and make necessary preparations accordingly. (Five Moths by Han Feizi) Therefore, it is practical that such thought is used to guide the legislative work of the Law of Urban and Rural Planning in China. The present paper chiefly discusses the effect of the thought of 搑uling by law?on the Law of Urban and Rural Planning in China.
- Key words: Han Feizi; ruling by law; The Law of Urban and Rural Planning
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