- 城乡统筹发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)02-0020-04
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:徐元明,江苏省人民政府参事,江苏省社会科学院农村发展研究所原所长,研究员。
- “新土改”视角下的城乡统筹与农民土地权益保障
- Integrative Goverance of City and Country and Peasant Security of Land Right and Interest under the New Land Reform
- 浏览量:
- 徐元明
- XU Yuan-ming
- 摘要:
改革开放以来,我国城市逐步建立起了比较健全的土地流转市场,而农村土地一直难以迈开市场化步伐。城乡土地的二元化体制导致农民土地财产权的缺失。新土改为农村土地的物权化、资本化、市场化开启了闸门,将对城乡土地利用产生重大而深远的影响。土地流转过程中,保障农民土地权益的前提是明晰土地产权,建立城乡统筹的户籍制度、就业制度、社会保障制度,以及加快推进失地农民市民化步伐,是解决失地农民长远生计的根本性措施。 - 关键词:
新型土地制度;城乡土地利用;农民权益保障; - Abstract: We have established right land circulation market in Chinese cities since reform, but almost little progress has been made to the marketlization of land in the countryside. Such a dual land system has led to the lack of peasant land property. The new land reform has opened the door to substance, capitalization and marketlization, and will have profound and far-reaching impacts on the urban and rural land use. The prerequisite for ensuring the land rights of the peasant in the course of land circulation is to make clear the land ownership, the fundamental measures to solve the livelihood issues of the peasant who lost land is to establish the systems of household, employment and social security based on integrative governance of city and country, and to advance the citizen step of the peasant who lost land.
- Key words: new land system; urban and rural land use; ensuring peasants?land rights
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