  • 规划
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)03-0044-10
  • 中图分类号:TU984.11    文献标识码:B
  • 项目基金:国家杰出青年基金资助项目(项目批准号: 40125003)部分研究成果。
  • 作者简介:尹晓颖(1975-),女,河北石家庄人,中国城 市规划设计研究院深圳分院,研究方向为城市地理学; 闫小培,中山大学城市与区域研究中心; 薛德升,中山大学城市与区域研究中心。
  • 快速城市化地区“城中村”非正规部门与“城中村”改造——深圳市蔡屋围、渔民村的案例研究
  • The Informal Sector in “Urban Village” and “Urban Village”Transformation in Rapid Urbanization Region: Case of Caiwuwei and Yumincun,Shenzhen
  • 浏览量:
  • 尹晓颖 闫小培 薛德升
  • YIN Xiao-ying YAN Xiao-pei XUE De-sheng
  • 摘要:
    本文分析了“城中村”非正规部门的特 征和形成原因,指出快速工业化和城市 化、正规供给渠道不畅、规划的缺失、管 理的不到位等因素是目前深圳非正规 部门主要集中在“城中村”的主要原因, 由此引发对蔡屋围的综合整治和渔民 村的全面改造两种改造模式的反思。从 宏观看,现有改造多是从实施规划的角 度考虑,而规划往往注重物质规划、轻 社会因素,这种重物质景观的改造模式 过于简单化;从房地产开发的角度看, “城中村”村民出租房屋的非正规经济 活动是一种房地产开发行为,渔民村的 全面改造还不能满足低收入群体的住 房需求,蔡屋围的综合整治模式应是主 体改造模式,不同改造模式可以同步推 进;从社区的角度看,“城中村”属于一 种类型的社区,“城中村”改造应在社区 规划的指导下进行。最后,对如何通过 “城中村”改造使非正规部门正规化和 社区规划等问题进行了思考,提出“城 中村”改造可以将村民视为房地产开发 的主体之一,将其纳入正规房地产市场 体系,将社区规划纳入城市规划体系。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: The info rmal s ec tors of Shenzhen mainly distribute in the “urban villages”, which is due to the rapid industrialization and urbanization, unfree of regular supply, and lack of planning and regulation. Thus reflection on the “urban villages” transformation is arisen from. Caiwuwei and Yumincun are taken as cases of two different transformation modes, respectively synthetic transformation and comprehensive renovation. It is indicated that the transformation in existence is too simple to resolve social issues because it is considered from the point of planning implementation, the planning. However,the emp has is is placed on physical planning but the social factors are ignored. It is insisted that the “urban villages” participate in the real estate development to meet the housing demand of the urban low-income group. But the Yumincun mode still do not meet their demand, so the Caiwuwei mode should be the major transformation mode, and different modes can be boosted synchronously. It is concluded that the “urban villages” can be viewed one of main part of the real estate market, and the “urban villages” transformation should be processed under the direction of community planning.
  • Key words: “urban villages” ; informalsector; transformation mode; Caiwuwei;Yumincun
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