  • 城乡一体化
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)06-0090-06
  • 中图分类号:F291.3    文献标识码:B
  • 作者简介:马和(1968-), 男,黑龙江省城市规 划勘测设计研究院规划研究所,所长,注册城市 规划师,高级城市规划师; 张远景(1981-),男,黑龙江省城市规划勘测设 计研究院规划研究所,硕士,注册城市规划师; 李晓娜(1981-),女,南京工业大学建筑与城规 学院硕士研究生,研究方向为城市设计。
  • 城乡一体化水平的定量分析与研究——以哈尔滨市域为例
  • A Quantitative Analysis and Research for the Integration of Town and Country:Evidence from Harbin Region
  • 浏览量:
  • 马和 张远景 李晓娜
  • MA He ZHANG Yuan-jing LI Xiao-na
  • 摘要:
    随着当前城乡差距的拉大,如何建立新 的城乡关系,实现城乡协调发展,成了 理论界探讨的热点。本文构建了一套用 以反映在达到城乡一体化状态下,城市 和乡村各种因素关系特征的评价指标体 系。运用模糊综合评判层次分析法 (AHP 法),评价哈尔滨市域内12个市县 城乡一体化进程,对哈尔滨市域内各市 县城乡一体化水平进行定量测度。根据 模糊综合评判计算得出各市县的分值, 并运用SPSS 统计软件对哈尔滨市域内 各市县进行聚类分析。依据各个指标的 权重和聚类分析结果对哈尔滨市域内各 市县、各个指标进行重点管理,引导城 乡关系的协调发展,最终实现城乡一体 化。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Along with the enlarging gaps between town and country, how to build a new urban and rural relation and to realize the harmonious development between them has become a research focus for theoretical field. This paper takes an example for Harbin region and constructs a set of indicators. The indicators are selected to reflect the relation between town and country for urban and rural interaction. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) are applied to evaluate the integration level between 12 towns and relative countries in Harbin region. Based on the scores for each town via using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, cluster analysis is done by employing SPSS. Finally, according to the power of each indicator and the res ult o f cluster analysis, indicators concerned are to be paid importantly attention to lead the harmonious development between towns and countries and in the end carry out urban and rural interaction.
  • Key words: level o f urb an- rural interac tion; fuzzy c omp rehens ive evaluation; analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
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