- 绿色交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)01-0026-04
- 中图分类号:U49 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:郑猛,北京市城市规划设计研究院交通��所,主任工程师。
- 城市土地使用与交通协调发展
- The Harmonious Development of Urban Land Use and Transportation
- 浏览量:
- 郑猛
- ZHENG Meng
- 摘要:
城市是生产力发展和人类劳动分工的产物,现代城市的迅猛发展是伴随着工业化浪潮及私人机动车的普及而引发的。分析城市的“居住、工作、游憩、交通”四大活动,城市土地为这些活动提供了实现的物理空间,而交通则既是城市的一项基本活动同时又是其他活动之间重要的联系纽带。因此,“城市土地使用与交通协调发展”课题的缘起在于两者之间的密切相关性,内容核心是在物理层面为城市健康发展提供“硬件”基础。在简述城市土地使用与交通互动理论的基础上,主要针对城市土地使用与交通协调发展的内涵与特征以及在市场经济背景下如何才能达到该目标作一些探讨。 - 关键词:
城市;土地使用;交通;发展; - Abstract: City is the result of development of productive forces and division of labour, and is booming with the industrialization and motorization. Dwelling, working, recreation and transport, four kinds of activities of city, are carried out on urban land. Transport is not only one kind of urban activities, but also the key connection of the other three activities. The integrated development of land use and transportation is based on the close relationship between them, with the aim to find the right way of city construction. After a brief description the theory of interaction between land use and transportation, the paper mainly discusses on what is the integration, what are characters of it and what should be emphasized on in market economy.
- Key words: city;land use;transportation;development
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