- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)01-0054-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:季翔 (1960-), 男,江苏张家港人,徐州建筑学院教授,教授级高级建筑师,一级注册建筑师,硕士生导师;
单磊 (1977-),男,江苏徐州人 , 无锡城市职业技术学院,助教;
- 徐州城市建筑色彩规划设计与管理研究
- The Planning and Design and Management of Xuzhou Urban Architecture Color
- 浏览量:
- 季翔 单磊 巩艳玲
- JI Xiang SHAN Lei GONG Yan-ling
- 摘要:
中国许多城市都在研究和制定城市建筑色彩规划并希望通过有效的管理建设和谐的城市。徐州也缺乏有效的建筑色彩规划和管理。文章通过分析徐州建筑色彩现状和建筑色彩规划存在的问题,将城市建筑色彩进行分区规划并探讨管理的一些方法,为今后城市色彩规划与色彩管理提供了思路。 - 关键词:
徐州;建筑色彩;规划设计;色彩管理; - Abstract: Many Chinese cities are researching and developing urban construction and color planning, and hope to build a harmonious city through effective management. Similarly, Xuzhou is also lack of effective planning, guidance, architectural color ways and means. By analyzing the status quo and building color of Xuzhou architecture planning color, the planning is made by partition planning, and some of the ways of management for future urban planning and color management are explored, which can give us some thinking about the planning and management of urban color.
- Key words: Xuzhou; building color; layout; color management
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