- 绿色交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)01-0030-06
- 中图分类号:U49 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:叶茂(1982-),男,东南大学交通学院,博士研究生,研究方向为交通运输规划与管理;
- 从单核到组团式结构:带形城市的交通模式演化与选择——以镇江市为例
- From Mononuclear to Group Structure City: the Evolution Characteristics of Transportation Pattern in Linear City ——A Case Study of Zhenjiang
- 浏览量:
- 叶茂 过秀成 王谷
- YE Mao GUO Xiu-cheng WANG Gu
- 摘要:
从单核到组团结构是城市空间结构优化的典型特征,带状组团城市作为集城市形态和功能结构于一体的城市空间形态,其交通模式也具有特定的特征。论文以镇江市为例,着重分析了其城市空间与交通系统演变的互动发展过程和空间形态与交通模式的演化机理,研究了交通模式选择与城市形态和用地特征的关系,综合典型交通模式特征,对不同交通模式进行适应性测试与评价,提出了支撑镇江市“一体两翼”城市结构的交通模式:以轨道为骨干,常规公交为主体,慢行、小汽车交通和谐发展的多元化、多层次、高效率的引导性交通模式体系。 - 关键词:
带形城市;交通模式;土地利用;空间结构; - Abstract: To organize urban structure from single-core to group structure is the typical characteristics of urban spatial structure optimization. The linear group city, as a typical spatial layout that contains urban layout and functional structure, the transportation pattern also has specific characteristics. In this paper, taking Zhenjiang for example, the interaction and development of its space expansion and transportation system evolution, the evolution mechanism of spatial layout and traffic modes, were analyzed emphatically firstly; and then, the relationships about the traffic modes picking with land use and spatial layout was studied. By considering the characteristics of traffic modes, testing the different traffic modes and evaluating their adaptation, the traffic pattern for urban structure of "A Body with Two Wings" in Zhenjiang is proposed, which is diversified, multi-level, high efficient and instructive, with the Mass Transit as the backbone, conventional public transport as the main body and the other modes such as walking,bicycle and car developing harmoniously.
- Key words: linear city; traffic pattern; land use; spatial structure
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