- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)01-0047-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(项目批准号:50878046);南京市建委科研基金(项目批准号:宁建综字<2007>733)
- 作者简介:章飙,东南大学建筑学院在读硕士;
- 融合城市设计的控制性详细规划编制探索——南京浦口中心区规划实践
- The Formulation of Regulatory Detailed Planning Integrated with Urban Design: A Case of Pukou Central District of Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 章飙 杨俊宴
- ZHANG Biao YANG Jun-yan
- 摘要:
阐述了在控制性详细规划编制过程中加入城市设计引导的操作方法和技术路线,分别从总体以及微观两个角度深入探讨了宏观层面“土地利用规划+总体城市设计”与分地块层面“控详导则+分图则”相结合的规划编制方法,并通过南京浦口中心区的规划实践,应用宏观和微观层面相结合的规划编制方法,旨在实现市场经济条件下对整体城市形象的把握和对下层次规划进行指导的目的。 - 关键词:
控制性详细规划;城市设计;融合;南京浦口中心区; - Abstract: This paper provides a new method to improve the formulation of current regulatory detailed planning, which integrates with urban design. As well as from macroscopic and microcosmic two points, it tries to formulate the possibility of the integration. At last, the authors take Pukou central district of Nanjing as an example to practise this method.
- Key words: regulatory detailed planning; urban design; integration; Pukou central district of Nanjing
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